Thursday, May 4, 2006

Clowns Take Turns

Evening tt realised the fact tt it has been awhile since i had some alchohol, 2 jokers were in action. The occasion was moreover tied in wif Tiko Cow successfully gotten a new job, while i being momentarily relieved from all tt stress. We were happily downing at the barcounter, as a bottle of House Premium Merlot was ordered n the previously-balanced half bottle of Chivas Regal brought out. Some serious binge drinking was done, for by ard 2am (i can’t rem the exact time for i was real tipsy as well, only lying if i din confessed to it) a brand new bottle of Chivas was oredi on the counter-top. By now the toot was Sprawled all over the counter Motionless, and i even joined our bartender to laugh and make fun of him for Challenging Me to Drink. He had even secretly went to puke wif the much stealth he cud gather. Heh, i IS smug~! But next was Gettin His Sorry Ass Out of tt watering hole and back to the comfort of his home? Boy was he heavy and really not helping me at all, as i struggled down the spiral staircase wif a drunk carcass in tow. Can’t even use a teeny wheeny bit of strength to get up meh? ~Ggrrr roar~

Very Chuan* by the time i got to the roadside, i sure was drained outta my energy and sanity. There was no way i cud take another step so i laid him by the pedestrain pavement, waiting for him to sober up and me to catch my breath alil. Probably an hour passed n the next thing i knw it was My Turn 2B Drunk and puking frm the exertion and accelerated blood circulation~! He weighed a bloody tonne and i IS getting cute, so u can’t really blame me for being lousy can u~?! Robin got up ironically this time, and he in turn Helped Me Back Instead~! Wahahahahah… @#$%^&*~!

Ok so aft he got me back to my place, he needed to rest while i hit the showers. Came out and ~walah~ He Was Once Again Dead, dusgustingly stinky and On My Bed (i IS got evidence of the drunk cow carcass below, who kicked me off to the floor)~! Juz cudn’t get him up to return back to his place. Ugh~! Serves him right wif tt terrible hangover as i got away scot free heh? Die die want face and dun admit drunk lah~!

Laughing stock we sure made ourselves to be for We IS Big Joke~! Wierd it feels for telling something tt kinda juz made silly of urself. But for the fun of it, i IS tickled by wat happened. Rem i IS got big heart~! Wahahahahaa…

(Ps: ok i din wanna call My Best Bro and Brudder Bear for help cuz neither the 2 of us wanted to wash car the next day, and hell knws wat time it was oredi)

Wednesday, May 3, 2006

Language of “IS”~!

I have gotten a new "Crap-State Lingo"~! While i have fallen prey to it, the others ard me have been catching it too like tt of an epidemic. Hmmmz…

Fwah aisay man, i IS good~!

Somehow this kinda rebukes tt uncomfy claim as well, where others regarded me as a nerd. An under-dog, rebel, gangster or joker perhaps but never a NERD~! It really feels kinda wierd being called tt. But nairmind, i IS got big heart~! Wahahahahhaa…