Sunday, February 26, 2006

Realisation of Dreams

Have U ever came across a dejavu, a scenario where somehow U had dreamt b4? Dreams or even the other xtreme version of nitemares, are no doubt Thoughts by itself. Stuff tt we worry or ponder so much upon intoxicates us even in sleep. One tires out ultimately n we wake up not being able to recall much of it. But due to e undying curiosity packaged in all of us, we attempt to recollect such dreams. The whole cycle repeats itself once again.

Our brain houses our thoughts, our mind. It enables us to think, n thus instructing our body wat to do. Our actions finally determine the outcomes of what we receive. While condemning into the dark, our days get shady. Likewise if we tend towards positivism, our days light up. Such Tones set our Moods, which affects our undertakings. Subconsciously, joyous success n sorrowing failure r both in some ways weaned off our thoughts n dreams.

Equipped wif choice, shud we not be upbeat in e way we look at things? Be positive and sweet dreams await… It is said tt the mind is e most powerful tool in e world. However, the mind is ours to administer Control~! The phrase “setting our mind to task” perfectly elucidates this Empowerment of ours.

The imperative factor is to Believe in oneself n all things great! Our inner mind speaks freely in slumber, void of all the resistance and denial we set on ourselves. Worry, stress n sulk not in deed, never lip-serve… *Countermeasure e moment u fall pessimistic*

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