Friday, March 17, 2006

Concluding Change

Now isn’t it intersting to find how some conversations actually work out? There i was talking to Someone and the conversation went as such~

Someone : i’ve changed…
EuGene : huh?
Someone :
yea i’ve changed, 360 degree change…
EuGene : eh isn’t dat back to the same position?
Someone : ~lost~
EuGene : ~blur~

Indeed tt if u wud to do a 360 degree turn, U only find urself back in the same orignal spot. N how abt 180 degrees we ask ourselves, but the impact wud not be created. Moreover, it only reveals tt u have turned ur back on something, yet still being in the exact same axis~! Hmmmz, not very good i wud say.

So changes shud be done in Small Angles, where u can at times still Reflect and Evaluate on wat u saw b4. Symetry shud be considered as well for the Lesser Effort. There’s no difference in 90 and 270 degrees, it’s only a matter of either clockwise or counter-clockwise from where u started~! Wahahahahaha..

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