Tuesday, December 12, 2006

KuKu Times Reloaded as Stoopidity of Sorts Cluster Back

Now I knw I have not updated for a long long time… Paisay lah, i IS busy, where got so free? Muz comprain this and tt, whine here and there like the typical Singaporean i IS ma…

Eh aniwae, it was Bakar’s Wedding last Sunday. A Good Long Mth Before this, the details of the event was oredi in Circulation. I think my BMT platoon mates all knw i IS the heck-care-dun-reply kinda person, as they happily started to bomb me altogether… Ggrrr ROAR !!

" Bakar’s wedding on the 10 Dec between 11am to 5pm…
He will be there abt 3pm onwards.
Blk XXX, Pasir Ris St XX "

Kaoz !! I gathered tt i received at least 8 to 9 of such Identical SMS-es lor. FWAH !! N still, i din replied to any of them then. Wahahahahhahaha… This syndrome in accordance to my dad, wud be the streak of Everything-Oso-Last-Min quality of mine. Yet i call it being Dynamic, i move only when needed. Heh heh… Busy ma, i IS not lorso ma, still so long away ma.

Ok so i went on as usual wif my busy life, until the Nite Before when i suddenly tot to myself, “Eh how come no one plan tmr’s itinerary and program schedule one? Where all the kancheong spiders? How come No SMS one?”

Rendering tt i shud start asking or i be alone there tmr, i became the on-the-ball one and started mass sms-ing to those who bombed me a mth ago. Revenge is sweet i tell ya !! But in the end…

EuGene : Eh wat time u all gg to bakar’s wedding tmr?
Flying Dustman : Shit. I totally forgotten. You check wif them and let me knw.
Buddy In Banana Undies : No one call me leh. I also dunno wanna go anot.

Bo ngiah lah !! Kancheong spider then u all garbra, how can like this? So many ppl and all oso garbra together? Snook me ar? N my Buddy In Banana Undies really win liaoz, super classic reply until i LL suck thumb dunno wat to say. Wahahahaha…

The loose ends were eventually ironed out and we were set to go the following day. Rendezvous 1500hrs, Pasir Ris…

Right on track, as i tot to myself, until my Best Bro Ducky called me for Kopi Session the next day. Met up at 1pm and he wanted to get himself a New HP, probably throwing in a bluetooth earpiece as well while trading off his N70. He was eyeing for the new Sony Ericsson Cybershot K800i, and we adjourned to combing the whole of Caucasian’s Bridge aft a quick coffee

A special silver edition of the hp was available, as we found out. This was however gg to cost 30 to 100 bucks more, differing from shop to shop. This caused Ducky to ponder hard, as he seemed rather interested. Then There Wasn’t Any Replicas of the silver edition to have a good feel of how it is to be !! Die as i tot to myself, for this wud mean More Walking And Hunting installed liaoz. While some shops said tt the special edition were only available to Starhub, others told us it was to Singtel. I reckon tt they were trying to smoke us for it din really matter which telecom service it was exclusive to. HOW COME ALL WANNA SMOKE ME ONE? Hmmmz…alled me for Kopi Session the next day. Met up at 1pm and he wanted to get himself a New HP, probably throwing in a bluetooth earpiece as well while trading off his N70. He was eyeing for the new Sony Ericsson Cybershot K800i, and we adjourned to combing the whole of Caucasian’s Bridge aft a quick coffee.

Eventually my hp started to ring at abt 2.30pm while we were shopping… Gay Chew and Buddy In Banana Undies wanted to ask of my expected time of Arrival. Siao liaoz, i IS late oredi !! Muz smoke out liaoz, and i Conveniently replied the ubiquitous “On The Way” ans of mine.

Hence with the momentarily end of crisis, and i Contd to accompany Ducky to Shop. He was gg back to ofc later which made me plan to Hitch A Ride, cutting short of the journey time to Pasir Ris. Sounds like a rather ok idea rite? Remedy to setback rite?

Normal black edition the one Ducky got for himself in the end, for it did not seem worthy for the extra cash to be forked out and our legs were rather tired. N not forgetting the Bluetooth Earpiece, Ducky made the Sales Asst to Configure it wif the new hp he got. Value added service I say, which later saw..

Best Bro Ducky : 有很多怪怪的声音
Sales Asst : *picks up earpiece and tries to troubleshoot for awhile, then starts calling up for technical assistance over the phone*
Sales Asst : *on the phone*

Sales Asst : *hangs up phone* 不然你不要买咯
Best Bro Ducky : Huh? ………. O_o
EuGene : Stunned…

Eh very cock lor !! First time I see ppl do sales wif such a reply. Dunno to laugh or to cry. And aft all the yadah yadah yadah, the purchase was made w/o the bluetooth earpiece.. Wahahahahahha…

Knowing tt i need to rush oredi i looked at the time, which gave 3.45pm. Die die die, i IS Super Late liaoz. The event’s gg to be over by 5pm !! Instead of dropping me off town, Ducky was so gg to Drive Me All The Way to Pasir Ris as I was determined to make him… Yet he still tried to con me not to go, and instead proceed for coffee wif him. Ggrrr ROAR !! Yeah, tt’s my best bro for u !!

Onto CTE, while we were in the car, ring ring again…

Buddy In Banana Undies : Where are you?
EuGene : On the way
Buddy In Banana Undies : On the way?
EuGene : Yar on the way
Buddy In Banana Undies : Wa lao I wait for u until I chao tar oredi leh !!
EuGene : Yar yar yar… Where the rest? Coming soon, I at TPE.
Buddy In Banana Undies : Dunno leh… I dare not go in..
EuGene : Huh? Find them lah… Wa kaoz…
Buddy In Banana Undies : Okok… They nvr change number hor?
EuGene : Nvr lah, all still same.. Go call them.. *hangs up*

Best Bro Ducky : TPE? Bluff ppl ar?
EuGene : Arbo? I haven finish my sentence ma… I was trying to say TPE further dwn, before SLE then somewhere at CTE lor…

Rethinking wat was said in the conversation, how come Buddy In Banana Undies so gong one? How come so rigid one? How come dunno find the rest? How come dare not go in? How come can wait until Chao Tar? Mai tell me he wait Under The Sun ar? Wa kaoz lecturer profession some more !!

Bewildered enuf, Ducky had to snook me some more in the car as we were along TPE…

EuGene : TPE exit Loyang Ave… Tampines Ave 7 there…
Best Bro Ducky : *ignores* Eh try to send sms to my hp
EuGene : Sent…

EuGene : TPE exit 2 leh…
Best Bro Ducky : Yar I knw… I got a showflat somewhere ard there.
EuGene : TMD and u din tell me when I take out the street directory and flip flip?!
Best Bro Ducky : I dunno where exactly ma…
EuGene : Win oredi lor… I backtrack so far some more lor…

Tada~! I made it to the wedding reception in the end, and they started dwelling onto my “i IS sailor, can drink” story. Wa say no pang chance one lor i tell u. Long long meet like one time, oso like tt meh? My face dunno hide where liaoz. At least when i get wasted, i’d still be able to calmly walk away to one dark corner before whimpering lor. Where got ppl air dirty laundry infront of others one rite? U hang ur clothes out to dry oso in the backyard where it’s not in full view for all to see ma. Wahahahhahaa… I guessed they were juz all tickled at the hide and seek game i played wif them the last time round thou. Heh heh… I IS invincible ok ! No drunk one…

Ripping a hole in the pockets of mine, a token of congrats is often to be given as customary to most ethnic weddings tt i knw of. So off we went to wish the couple wif the stash of cash well wishes, as a Group Picture was taken wif the bride and groom as well…

EuGene : *thinking* Wa say the camera how come so big so long one? Muz be si eh pro type…
EuGene : *awhile later still thinking* How come so pro until no need flash one ar? How come aim for angle and focus so long one? My smile abit cramp liaoz leh…

EuGene : Eh tt one is take video or photo?
Flying Dustman : Take video lah…
EuGene : Then how come we all like cannot move?
Flying Dustman : Dunno leh

And in the end the Videographer stepped back and appeared the Photographer !! Ggrrr ROAR !! Wa kaoz !! We IS really kuku lor… Like Statue like tt when ppl Take Video

Everyone knws tt stupidity comes to u naturally when u first enlist into the military and have ur hair shaven Botak, for u were the lowest life form on earth. But many years later, having Grown Back The Hair and not so stoopid anymore, u still conform back to the Silly Things u do as u Group Back wif those in the same boat as u were then. Somehow I think there’s a link to it… It’s the identity of stoopidity I guess? Recognition of the smiliarities. Assimilation in intercultural context? But then why did Stoopidity have to be tt form of Identification Quality to start wif I wonder.. Hmmmz… N tt my days were of such weird quality juz as i was to meet the group. Something’s special wif the group which holds a unique characteristic…

Heh, I think tt’s juz life eh? U smoke me, i scratch head. I smoke u, u stunned.. We smoke each other, we blurr together… Birds of the same KuKu feather flock wif smoke together !!

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