Monday, June 26, 2006

Monkeys Build to Climb, In Order to Build…

You nvr knw wat u uncover whenever u do a spring cleaning of ur room~! Artefacts of pride from my younger days, they were Scaled Models to be built. From there, I oso dug out the photos of the Real Structure which I had kept for 10yrs oredi~! Fwah, imagine 1996~!

Moody and reluctant, I’m still considering whether to Dump them. A few more models were kept as well, thou they were not built. But for now, these pieces will be Duplicated In A Digital Form

(P/s: Featured Items up for adoption by good owners~! Heh heh, i IS sentimental…)

Friday, June 23, 2006

Monkeys to Gorillas in 2006

Stories of the glorious times were recollected when i attended a sec sch Extra-Curriculum Activity (ECA) event last weekend. I wondered to myself if we were ever tt tiny in size back in my days, as i stared at the Young Little Monkeys of today. Hmmmz… And so a group photo of the Old Monkeys Gorillas was taken aft the event.

Surprising to many for not fitting into the usual stereotypes, i actually hailed from a certain uniformed ECA grp, or Co-Curriculum Activity (CCA) according to wat they call it now. Being old enuf to create a stir yet young enuf to get away wif it then, teenage years was Notorious~! To illustrate, i dug out an undated photo of wat was a supper-cum-discussion session in the wee hours in the morning. Being the, erm, law-abiding citizens tt we r, erm, i think this was probably, erm, more than 5yrs ago…

In evidently, i realised i had terrorised and influenced quite a number of ppl when i was younger. Heh, i IS part of their Childhood and i IS honoured~! I probably had the world at my feet back then. Wahahahhahahaa…

Knots and lashings were few of the many things I used to play, and the year 2006 symbolically marked a special meaning of it~!

Monday, June 19, 2006

Deciphering Wat Females Say…

Kitchen was as usual left alone for Saturday dinner, thou wif Dad away. Bo bianz, it’s always been Mommy’s off day from cooking~! But like tt oso good la, wahahaha… Aniwae Mommy had her cravings for Hokkien Noodles and placed an order for all to share, in addition to the usual tze char dinner fare. Then when her anxiously awaited dish came…

Tze Char Auntie : 来~! 福建面~!
Mommy : *looks at the plate* eh~? 为什么你的福建面不是黑黑的~?
Tze Char Auntie : 一样的,只是他们下的黑酱油没那么多咯
Mommy : *whining* hokkien mee should be black black colour one ma…
EuGene : huh~? same wat…
Mommy : black black colour looks more appetising ma…
EuGene : *scratch head*
Mommy : haiya, nairmind la… eat la, come, eat…
EuGene : *in thoughts* eh maybe wear sunglasses can oredi~?

Containing within my own self cuz i IS got manners, i kept quiet instead of retorting my mom. Erm, at least it’s very very seldom tt i do talk back la, i think~? I IS good, obedient son ok~! Wahahahahahaaa…

Alamak i think im gonna get slaughtered for posting this, but back to the topic of hokkien noodles, i IS bewildered~! How come not say put more soya sauce and tt the colour darker will taste better instead~? It’s healthier wif lesser dark soya sauce, and e presentation of tt hokkien mee din look tt bad to me wat. Nevertheless, i think wat my mom meant was tt it wud taste better…

Unusual and vexing it seems on How Females Communicate yea~? How they always so ever often meant one thing, yet voice another~?! I think i get it now why when females say "No" they cud either mean "Yes", "No" or both. Vice-versa applies too~? Wahahahaa, si eh Complex le… N they call this Sophistication~! Fwah~! Poor males to be at the recieving end of all this hor~? Hmmmmz…

Moreover wif the tze char auntie having overheard Mom’s comments, an afternote showed tt she like not blur one.. Either she din understand english or they’re both females i guess~!? Wahahahahaha…

Saturday, June 17, 2006

None Forgotten Thru Songs of Yesteryear

Upholding the frenzy craze of old skool hits tt had struck me recently, i reminisced the old grunge sombre feeling. An old time favourite tt i somehow always have a predilection for was fished out, and i realised the album "Bringing Down the Horse" was a 1996 production. Fwah~! The lyrics in the album’s songs somehow ring a tune in me, the closet pessimist realist i always was.

Out of coincidence, small number of frds ard me haven had much of a smooth sailing time. While there’s nothing much i can do, less advise and listening ear to lend, this particular song had probably expressed my concern, well wishes and worry for them. We choose to go for things in our best efforts, but nothing’s perfect. Rid the despondence, push on~!

One Headlight - The Wallflowers

So long ago, i don’t remember when
That’s when they say I lost my only frie
Well they said she died easy of a broken heart disease
As I listened through the cemetry trees

I seen the sun comin’ up at the funeral at dawn
The long broken arm of human law
Now it always seemed such a waste
She always had a pretty face
So I wondered how she hung around this place

Hey, come on try a little
Nothing is forever
There’s got to be something better than
In the middle
But me & Cinderella
We put it all together
We can drive it home
With one headlight

She said it’s cold
It feels like Independence Day
And I can’t break away from this parade
But there’s got to be an opening
Somewhere here in front of me
Through this maze of ugliness and greed
And I seen the sun up ahead
At the county line bridge
Sayin’ all there’s good and nothingness is dead
We’ll run until she’s out of breath
She ran until there’s nothin’ left
She hit the end, it’s just her window ledge


Well this place is old
It feels just like a beat up truck
I turn the engine, but the engine doesn’t turn
Well it smells of cheap wine & cigarettes
This place is always such a mess
Sometimes I think I’d like to watch it burn
I’m so alone, and I feel just like somebody else
Man, I ain’t changed, but I know I ain’t the same
But somewhere here in between the city walls of dyin’ dreams
I think her death it must be killin’ me


Yesteryears zoomed past me in a flash, and many hurdles had been crossed. Shit happens, but Life still goes on. The pain and sufferings only reminds us all tt we are merely alive. The secretive Mr S. had once told me tt everyone’s problem is immense and nvr small thru their own eyes. Comforting when i once needed it, i thank him. To all those in need at present, i add onto this; "Have u yet done all tt u cud~?"… I IS getting old, or maybe it’s juz my thoughts and viewpoints. Wahahahahaaa…

(P/s: For those who were intuitive enuf to catch my encoded msgs of all my entries to date, u IS good~! And if u have oredi logged onto ur friendster account. I shall reveal the identity of its recipient… Yes its YOU~! Or maybe it isnt~? Wahahahahaaa… I IS such a tease~!)