Friday, June 23, 2006

Monkeys to Gorillas in 2006

Stories of the glorious times were recollected when i attended a sec sch Extra-Curriculum Activity (ECA) event last weekend. I wondered to myself if we were ever tt tiny in size back in my days, as i stared at the Young Little Monkeys of today. Hmmmz… And so a group photo of the Old Monkeys Gorillas was taken aft the event.

Surprising to many for not fitting into the usual stereotypes, i actually hailed from a certain uniformed ECA grp, or Co-Curriculum Activity (CCA) according to wat they call it now. Being old enuf to create a stir yet young enuf to get away wif it then, teenage years was Notorious~! To illustrate, i dug out an undated photo of wat was a supper-cum-discussion session in the wee hours in the morning. Being the, erm, law-abiding citizens tt we r, erm, i think this was probably, erm, more than 5yrs ago…

In evidently, i realised i had terrorised and influenced quite a number of ppl when i was younger. Heh, i IS part of their Childhood and i IS honoured~! I probably had the world at my feet back then. Wahahahhahahaa…

Knots and lashings were few of the many things I used to play, and the year 2006 symbolically marked a special meaning of it~!

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