Monday, June 19, 2006

Deciphering Wat Females Say…

Kitchen was as usual left alone for Saturday dinner, thou wif Dad away. Bo bianz, it’s always been Mommy’s off day from cooking~! But like tt oso good la, wahahaha… Aniwae Mommy had her cravings for Hokkien Noodles and placed an order for all to share, in addition to the usual tze char dinner fare. Then when her anxiously awaited dish came…

Tze Char Auntie : 来~! 福建面~!
Mommy : *looks at the plate* eh~? 为什么你的福建面不是黑黑的~?
Tze Char Auntie : 一样的,只是他们下的黑酱油没那么多咯
Mommy : *whining* hokkien mee should be black black colour one ma…
EuGene : huh~? same wat…
Mommy : black black colour looks more appetising ma…
EuGene : *scratch head*
Mommy : haiya, nairmind la… eat la, come, eat…
EuGene : *in thoughts* eh maybe wear sunglasses can oredi~?

Containing within my own self cuz i IS got manners, i kept quiet instead of retorting my mom. Erm, at least it’s very very seldom tt i do talk back la, i think~? I IS good, obedient son ok~! Wahahahahahaaa…

Alamak i think im gonna get slaughtered for posting this, but back to the topic of hokkien noodles, i IS bewildered~! How come not say put more soya sauce and tt the colour darker will taste better instead~? It’s healthier wif lesser dark soya sauce, and e presentation of tt hokkien mee din look tt bad to me wat. Nevertheless, i think wat my mom meant was tt it wud taste better…

Unusual and vexing it seems on How Females Communicate yea~? How they always so ever often meant one thing, yet voice another~?! I think i get it now why when females say "No" they cud either mean "Yes", "No" or both. Vice-versa applies too~? Wahahahaa, si eh Complex le… N they call this Sophistication~! Fwah~! Poor males to be at the recieving end of all this hor~? Hmmmmz…

Moreover wif the tze char auntie having overheard Mom’s comments, an afternote showed tt she like not blur one.. Either she din understand english or they’re both females i guess~!? Wahahahahaha…

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