Tuesday, December 12, 2006

KuKu Times Reloaded as Stoopidity of Sorts Cluster Back

Now I knw I have not updated for a long long time… Paisay lah, i IS busy, where got so free? Muz comprain this and tt, whine here and there like the typical Singaporean i IS ma…

Eh aniwae, it was Bakar’s Wedding last Sunday. A Good Long Mth Before this, the details of the event was oredi in Circulation. I think my BMT platoon mates all knw i IS the heck-care-dun-reply kinda person, as they happily started to bomb me altogether… Ggrrr ROAR !!

" Bakar’s wedding on the 10 Dec between 11am to 5pm…
He will be there abt 3pm onwards.
Blk XXX, Pasir Ris St XX "

Kaoz !! I gathered tt i received at least 8 to 9 of such Identical SMS-es lor. FWAH !! N still, i din replied to any of them then. Wahahahahhahaha… This syndrome in accordance to my dad, wud be the streak of Everything-Oso-Last-Min quality of mine. Yet i call it being Dynamic, i move only when needed. Heh heh… Busy ma, i IS not lorso ma, still so long away ma.

Ok so i went on as usual wif my busy life, until the Nite Before when i suddenly tot to myself, “Eh how come no one plan tmr’s itinerary and program schedule one? Where all the kancheong spiders? How come No SMS one?”

Rendering tt i shud start asking or i be alone there tmr, i became the on-the-ball one and started mass sms-ing to those who bombed me a mth ago. Revenge is sweet i tell ya !! But in the end…

EuGene : Eh wat time u all gg to bakar’s wedding tmr?
Flying Dustman : Shit. I totally forgotten. You check wif them and let me knw.
Buddy In Banana Undies : No one call me leh. I also dunno wanna go anot.

Bo ngiah lah !! Kancheong spider then u all garbra, how can like this? So many ppl and all oso garbra together? Snook me ar? N my Buddy In Banana Undies really win liaoz, super classic reply until i LL suck thumb dunno wat to say. Wahahahaha…

The loose ends were eventually ironed out and we were set to go the following day. Rendezvous 1500hrs, Pasir Ris…

Right on track, as i tot to myself, until my Best Bro Ducky called me for Kopi Session the next day. Met up at 1pm and he wanted to get himself a New HP, probably throwing in a bluetooth earpiece as well while trading off his N70. He was eyeing for the new Sony Ericsson Cybershot K800i, and we adjourned to combing the whole of Caucasian’s Bridge aft a quick coffee

A special silver edition of the hp was available, as we found out. This was however gg to cost 30 to 100 bucks more, differing from shop to shop. This caused Ducky to ponder hard, as he seemed rather interested. Then There Wasn’t Any Replicas of the silver edition to have a good feel of how it is to be !! Die as i tot to myself, for this wud mean More Walking And Hunting installed liaoz. While some shops said tt the special edition were only available to Starhub, others told us it was to Singtel. I reckon tt they were trying to smoke us for it din really matter which telecom service it was exclusive to. HOW COME ALL WANNA SMOKE ME ONE? Hmmmz…alled me for Kopi Session the next day. Met up at 1pm and he wanted to get himself a New HP, probably throwing in a bluetooth earpiece as well while trading off his N70. He was eyeing for the new Sony Ericsson Cybershot K800i, and we adjourned to combing the whole of Caucasian’s Bridge aft a quick coffee.

Eventually my hp started to ring at abt 2.30pm while we were shopping… Gay Chew and Buddy In Banana Undies wanted to ask of my expected time of Arrival. Siao liaoz, i IS late oredi !! Muz smoke out liaoz, and i Conveniently replied the ubiquitous “On The Way” ans of mine.

Hence with the momentarily end of crisis, and i Contd to accompany Ducky to Shop. He was gg back to ofc later which made me plan to Hitch A Ride, cutting short of the journey time to Pasir Ris. Sounds like a rather ok idea rite? Remedy to setback rite?

Normal black edition the one Ducky got for himself in the end, for it did not seem worthy for the extra cash to be forked out and our legs were rather tired. N not forgetting the Bluetooth Earpiece, Ducky made the Sales Asst to Configure it wif the new hp he got. Value added service I say, which later saw..

Best Bro Ducky : 有很多怪怪的声音
Sales Asst : *picks up earpiece and tries to troubleshoot for awhile, then starts calling up for technical assistance over the phone*
Sales Asst : *on the phone*

Sales Asst : *hangs up phone* 不然你不要买咯
Best Bro Ducky : Huh? ………. O_o
EuGene : Stunned…

Eh very cock lor !! First time I see ppl do sales wif such a reply. Dunno to laugh or to cry. And aft all the yadah yadah yadah, the purchase was made w/o the bluetooth earpiece.. Wahahahahahha…

Knowing tt i need to rush oredi i looked at the time, which gave 3.45pm. Die die die, i IS Super Late liaoz. The event’s gg to be over by 5pm !! Instead of dropping me off town, Ducky was so gg to Drive Me All The Way to Pasir Ris as I was determined to make him… Yet he still tried to con me not to go, and instead proceed for coffee wif him. Ggrrr ROAR !! Yeah, tt’s my best bro for u !!

Onto CTE, while we were in the car, ring ring again…

Buddy In Banana Undies : Where are you?
EuGene : On the way
Buddy In Banana Undies : On the way?
EuGene : Yar on the way
Buddy In Banana Undies : Wa lao I wait for u until I chao tar oredi leh !!
EuGene : Yar yar yar… Where the rest? Coming soon, I at TPE.
Buddy In Banana Undies : Dunno leh… I dare not go in..
EuGene : Huh? Find them lah… Wa kaoz…
Buddy In Banana Undies : Okok… They nvr change number hor?
EuGene : Nvr lah, all still same.. Go call them.. *hangs up*

Best Bro Ducky : TPE? Bluff ppl ar?
EuGene : Arbo? I haven finish my sentence ma… I was trying to say TPE further dwn, before SLE then somewhere at CTE lor…

Rethinking wat was said in the conversation, how come Buddy In Banana Undies so gong one? How come so rigid one? How come dunno find the rest? How come dare not go in? How come can wait until Chao Tar? Mai tell me he wait Under The Sun ar? Wa kaoz lecturer profession some more !!

Bewildered enuf, Ducky had to snook me some more in the car as we were along TPE…

EuGene : TPE exit Loyang Ave… Tampines Ave 7 there…
Best Bro Ducky : *ignores* Eh try to send sms to my hp
EuGene : Sent…

EuGene : TPE exit 2 leh…
Best Bro Ducky : Yar I knw… I got a showflat somewhere ard there.
EuGene : TMD and u din tell me when I take out the street directory and flip flip?!
Best Bro Ducky : I dunno where exactly ma…
EuGene : Win oredi lor… I backtrack so far some more lor…

Tada~! I made it to the wedding reception in the end, and they started dwelling onto my “i IS sailor, can drink” story. Wa say no pang chance one lor i tell u. Long long meet like one time, oso like tt meh? My face dunno hide where liaoz. At least when i get wasted, i’d still be able to calmly walk away to one dark corner before whimpering lor. Where got ppl air dirty laundry infront of others one rite? U hang ur clothes out to dry oso in the backyard where it’s not in full view for all to see ma. Wahahahhahaa… I guessed they were juz all tickled at the hide and seek game i played wif them the last time round thou. Heh heh… I IS invincible ok ! No drunk one…

Ripping a hole in the pockets of mine, a token of congrats is often to be given as customary to most ethnic weddings tt i knw of. So off we went to wish the couple wif the stash of cash well wishes, as a Group Picture was taken wif the bride and groom as well…

EuGene : *thinking* Wa say the camera how come so big so long one? Muz be si eh pro type…
EuGene : *awhile later still thinking* How come so pro until no need flash one ar? How come aim for angle and focus so long one? My smile abit cramp liaoz leh…

EuGene : Eh tt one is take video or photo?
Flying Dustman : Take video lah…
EuGene : Then how come we all like cannot move?
Flying Dustman : Dunno leh

And in the end the Videographer stepped back and appeared the Photographer !! Ggrrr ROAR !! Wa kaoz !! We IS really kuku lor… Like Statue like tt when ppl Take Video

Everyone knws tt stupidity comes to u naturally when u first enlist into the military and have ur hair shaven Botak, for u were the lowest life form on earth. But many years later, having Grown Back The Hair and not so stoopid anymore, u still conform back to the Silly Things u do as u Group Back wif those in the same boat as u were then. Somehow I think there’s a link to it… It’s the identity of stoopidity I guess? Recognition of the smiliarities. Assimilation in intercultural context? But then why did Stoopidity have to be tt form of Identification Quality to start wif I wonder.. Hmmmz… N tt my days were of such weird quality juz as i was to meet the group. Something’s special wif the group which holds a unique characteristic…

Heh, I think tt’s juz life eh? U smoke me, i scratch head. I smoke u, u stunned.. We smoke each other, we blurr together… Birds of the same KuKu feather flock wif smoke together !!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Treading On The Line

Recognition of the once familiar, undeniably strange in the new environment, life goes on in a different light… Is that a real Continuation or a Standstill we wonder?

Aid was once brought in the form of impounded captivity, to bring about the tenderness it offers. Then again the Thirst Of Freedom grows, and the dilemma follows. But only till recovery been made, will soaring be possible…

想你是临睡的习惯 - 动力火车



Chorus (1)


Chorus (2)
I will never try to break your heart

I will never try to break your heart

**~Chrous (1)~**

**~Chrous (2)~**

**~Chrous (2)~**

Efforts have been made, will U fly off or will U make this Custody Truly An Abode? Have I unknowingly caged U up, to tt ur wings are too weak to support ur next flight?

Deep inside I hope U feel it too…

Monday, June 26, 2006

Monkeys Build to Climb, In Order to Build…

You nvr knw wat u uncover whenever u do a spring cleaning of ur room~! Artefacts of pride from my younger days, they were Scaled Models to be built. From there, I oso dug out the photos of the Real Structure which I had kept for 10yrs oredi~! Fwah, imagine 1996~!

Moody and reluctant, I’m still considering whether to Dump them. A few more models were kept as well, thou they were not built. But for now, these pieces will be Duplicated In A Digital Form

(P/s: Featured Items up for adoption by good owners~! Heh heh, i IS sentimental…)

Friday, June 23, 2006

Monkeys to Gorillas in 2006

Stories of the glorious times were recollected when i attended a sec sch Extra-Curriculum Activity (ECA) event last weekend. I wondered to myself if we were ever tt tiny in size back in my days, as i stared at the Young Little Monkeys of today. Hmmmz… And so a group photo of the Old Monkeys Gorillas was taken aft the event.

Surprising to many for not fitting into the usual stereotypes, i actually hailed from a certain uniformed ECA grp, or Co-Curriculum Activity (CCA) according to wat they call it now. Being old enuf to create a stir yet young enuf to get away wif it then, teenage years was Notorious~! To illustrate, i dug out an undated photo of wat was a supper-cum-discussion session in the wee hours in the morning. Being the, erm, law-abiding citizens tt we r, erm, i think this was probably, erm, more than 5yrs ago…

In evidently, i realised i had terrorised and influenced quite a number of ppl when i was younger. Heh, i IS part of their Childhood and i IS honoured~! I probably had the world at my feet back then. Wahahahhahahaa…

Knots and lashings were few of the many things I used to play, and the year 2006 symbolically marked a special meaning of it~!

Monday, June 19, 2006

Deciphering Wat Females Say…

Kitchen was as usual left alone for Saturday dinner, thou wif Dad away. Bo bianz, it’s always been Mommy’s off day from cooking~! But like tt oso good la, wahahaha… Aniwae Mommy had her cravings for Hokkien Noodles and placed an order for all to share, in addition to the usual tze char dinner fare. Then when her anxiously awaited dish came…

Tze Char Auntie : 来~! 福建面~!
Mommy : *looks at the plate* eh~? 为什么你的福建面不是黑黑的~?
Tze Char Auntie : 一样的,只是他们下的黑酱油没那么多咯
Mommy : *whining* hokkien mee should be black black colour one ma…
EuGene : huh~? same wat…
Mommy : black black colour looks more appetising ma…
EuGene : *scratch head*
Mommy : haiya, nairmind la… eat la, come, eat…
EuGene : *in thoughts* eh maybe wear sunglasses can oredi~?

Containing within my own self cuz i IS got manners, i kept quiet instead of retorting my mom. Erm, at least it’s very very seldom tt i do talk back la, i think~? I IS good, obedient son ok~! Wahahahahahaaa…

Alamak i think im gonna get slaughtered for posting this, but back to the topic of hokkien noodles, i IS bewildered~! How come not say put more soya sauce and tt the colour darker will taste better instead~? It’s healthier wif lesser dark soya sauce, and e presentation of tt hokkien mee din look tt bad to me wat. Nevertheless, i think wat my mom meant was tt it wud taste better…

Unusual and vexing it seems on How Females Communicate yea~? How they always so ever often meant one thing, yet voice another~?! I think i get it now why when females say "No" they cud either mean "Yes", "No" or both. Vice-versa applies too~? Wahahahaa, si eh Complex le… N they call this Sophistication~! Fwah~! Poor males to be at the recieving end of all this hor~? Hmmmmz…

Moreover wif the tze char auntie having overheard Mom’s comments, an afternote showed tt she like not blur one.. Either she din understand english or they’re both females i guess~!? Wahahahahaha…

Saturday, June 17, 2006

None Forgotten Thru Songs of Yesteryear

Upholding the frenzy craze of old skool hits tt had struck me recently, i reminisced the old grunge sombre feeling. An old time favourite tt i somehow always have a predilection for was fished out, and i realised the album "Bringing Down the Horse" was a 1996 production. Fwah~! The lyrics in the album’s songs somehow ring a tune in me, the closet pessimist realist i always was.

Out of coincidence, small number of frds ard me haven had much of a smooth sailing time. While there’s nothing much i can do, less advise and listening ear to lend, this particular song had probably expressed my concern, well wishes and worry for them. We choose to go for things in our best efforts, but nothing’s perfect. Rid the despondence, push on~!

One Headlight - The Wallflowers

So long ago, i don’t remember when
That’s when they say I lost my only frie
Well they said she died easy of a broken heart disease
As I listened through the cemetry trees

I seen the sun comin’ up at the funeral at dawn
The long broken arm of human law
Now it always seemed such a waste
She always had a pretty face
So I wondered how she hung around this place

Hey, come on try a little
Nothing is forever
There’s got to be something better than
In the middle
But me & Cinderella
We put it all together
We can drive it home
With one headlight

She said it’s cold
It feels like Independence Day
And I can’t break away from this parade
But there’s got to be an opening
Somewhere here in front of me
Through this maze of ugliness and greed
And I seen the sun up ahead
At the county line bridge
Sayin’ all there’s good and nothingness is dead
We’ll run until she’s out of breath
She ran until there’s nothin’ left
She hit the end, it’s just her window ledge


Well this place is old
It feels just like a beat up truck
I turn the engine, but the engine doesn’t turn
Well it smells of cheap wine & cigarettes
This place is always such a mess
Sometimes I think I’d like to watch it burn
I’m so alone, and I feel just like somebody else
Man, I ain’t changed, but I know I ain’t the same
But somewhere here in between the city walls of dyin’ dreams
I think her death it must be killin’ me


Yesteryears zoomed past me in a flash, and many hurdles had been crossed. Shit happens, but Life still goes on. The pain and sufferings only reminds us all tt we are merely alive. The secretive Mr S. had once told me tt everyone’s problem is immense and nvr small thru their own eyes. Comforting when i once needed it, i thank him. To all those in need at present, i add onto this; "Have u yet done all tt u cud~?"… I IS getting old, or maybe it’s juz my thoughts and viewpoints. Wahahahahaaa…

(P/s: For those who were intuitive enuf to catch my encoded msgs of all my entries to date, u IS good~! And if u have oredi logged onto ur friendster account. I shall reveal the identity of its recipient… Yes its YOU~! Or maybe it isnt~? Wahahahahaaa… I IS such a tease~!)

Thursday, May 4, 2006

Clowns Take Turns

Evening tt realised the fact tt it has been awhile since i had some alchohol, 2 jokers were in action. The occasion was moreover tied in wif Tiko Cow successfully gotten a new job, while i being momentarily relieved from all tt stress. We were happily downing at the barcounter, as a bottle of House Premium Merlot was ordered n the previously-balanced half bottle of Chivas Regal brought out. Some serious binge drinking was done, for by ard 2am (i can’t rem the exact time for i was real tipsy as well, only lying if i din confessed to it) a brand new bottle of Chivas was oredi on the counter-top. By now the toot was Sprawled all over the counter Motionless, and i even joined our bartender to laugh and make fun of him for Challenging Me to Drink. He had even secretly went to puke wif the much stealth he cud gather. Heh, i IS smug~! But next was Gettin His Sorry Ass Out of tt watering hole and back to the comfort of his home? Boy was he heavy and really not helping me at all, as i struggled down the spiral staircase wif a drunk carcass in tow. Can’t even use a teeny wheeny bit of strength to get up meh? ~Ggrrr roar~

Very Chuan* by the time i got to the roadside, i sure was drained outta my energy and sanity. There was no way i cud take another step so i laid him by the pedestrain pavement, waiting for him to sober up and me to catch my breath alil. Probably an hour passed n the next thing i knw it was My Turn 2B Drunk and puking frm the exertion and accelerated blood circulation~! He weighed a bloody tonne and i IS getting cute, so u can’t really blame me for being lousy can u~?! Robin got up ironically this time, and he in turn Helped Me Back Instead~! Wahahahahah… @#$%^&*~!

Ok so aft he got me back to my place, he needed to rest while i hit the showers. Came out and ~walah~ He Was Once Again Dead, dusgustingly stinky and On My Bed (i IS got evidence of the drunk cow carcass below, who kicked me off to the floor)~! Juz cudn’t get him up to return back to his place. Ugh~! Serves him right wif tt terrible hangover as i got away scot free heh? Die die want face and dun admit drunk lah~!

Laughing stock we sure made ourselves to be for We IS Big Joke~! Wierd it feels for telling something tt kinda juz made silly of urself. But for the fun of it, i IS tickled by wat happened. Rem i IS got big heart~! Wahahahahaa…

(Ps: ok i din wanna call My Best Bro and Brudder Bear for help cuz neither the 2 of us wanted to wash car the next day, and hell knws wat time it was oredi)

Wednesday, May 3, 2006

Language of “IS”~!

I have gotten a new "Crap-State Lingo"~! While i have fallen prey to it, the others ard me have been catching it too like tt of an epidemic. Hmmmz…

Fwah aisay man, i IS good~!

Somehow this kinda rebukes tt uncomfy claim as well, where others regarded me as a nerd. An under-dog, rebel, gangster or joker perhaps but never a NERD~! It really feels kinda wierd being called tt. But nairmind, i IS got big heart~! Wahahahahhaa…

Friday, March 17, 2006

Concluding Change

Now isn’t it intersting to find how some conversations actually work out? There i was talking to Someone and the conversation went as such~

Someone : i’ve changed…
EuGene : huh?
Someone :
yea i’ve changed, 360 degree change…
EuGene : eh isn’t dat back to the same position?
Someone : ~lost~
EuGene : ~blur~

Indeed tt if u wud to do a 360 degree turn, U only find urself back in the same orignal spot. N how abt 180 degrees we ask ourselves, but the impact wud not be created. Moreover, it only reveals tt u have turned ur back on something, yet still being in the exact same axis~! Hmmmz, not very good i wud say.

So changes shud be done in Small Angles, where u can at times still Reflect and Evaluate on wat u saw b4. Symetry shud be considered as well for the Lesser Effort. There’s no difference in 90 and 270 degrees, it’s only a matter of either clockwise or counter-clockwise from where u started~! Wahahahahaha..

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Loving Thyself by Loving U

Impressive entry title huh as i tot to myself… While enjoyin this song by Wang Lee Hom, a sudden wierd idea came to mind. I translated the song title into English and ~walah~ out came a "preachy" phrase~! Wahahahahah…

爱你等于爱自己 - 王力宏

淋我淋过的雨 吹你吹过的风 比风雨还亲蜜
两个人的影子 在同一个天地 拥有一样的回忆

心想著你 眼看著你 就像贴近自己
傻的笑的 就好像你 像你一样甜蜜

是不是爱你就会变成你 oh.. Yeah..
爱你就等于爱自己 Mm.. Well… (Alright)

我想你的难题 你写我的日记 比爱人还亲蜜
我还没说可惜 你已经在嘆气 不可思议的默契

心想著你 眼看著你 就像贴近自己
怪不得 拥抱感觉 会越来越熟悉


是不是你所有的秘密 已经成为我的呼吸
Oh~ 不再分离


had probably been waiting for another wierd 大道理 of mine? Aren’t the lyrics self-explanatoy in itself, as i wonder how shud i go abt doing perceptions all in "EuGene’s Unique Style"~?

Hmmmz, it’s merely a nice song carrying a great tune yea? Well, seems like im becoming Lazy~! Wahahahaha..

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Realisation of Dreams

Have U ever came across a dejavu, a scenario where somehow U had dreamt b4? Dreams or even the other xtreme version of nitemares, are no doubt Thoughts by itself. Stuff tt we worry or ponder so much upon intoxicates us even in sleep. One tires out ultimately n we wake up not being able to recall much of it. But due to e undying curiosity packaged in all of us, we attempt to recollect such dreams. The whole cycle repeats itself once again.

Our brain houses our thoughts, our mind. It enables us to think, n thus instructing our body wat to do. Our actions finally determine the outcomes of what we receive. While condemning into the dark, our days get shady. Likewise if we tend towards positivism, our days light up. Such Tones set our Moods, which affects our undertakings. Subconsciously, joyous success n sorrowing failure r both in some ways weaned off our thoughts n dreams.

Equipped wif choice, shud we not be upbeat in e way we look at things? Be positive and sweet dreams await… It is said tt the mind is e most powerful tool in e world. However, the mind is ours to administer Control~! The phrase “setting our mind to task” perfectly elucidates this Empowerment of ours.

The imperative factor is to Believe in oneself n all things great! Our inner mind speaks freely in slumber, void of all the resistance and denial we set on ourselves. Worry, stress n sulk not in deed, never lip-serve… *Countermeasure e moment u fall pessimistic*

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Perceptions of Waiting for Peepz

Y wud waiting spur Angst and Frustration? The unknwn grey region pains us deeply, while feeding all e negativity tt may come. But y shud waiting be of such pain n sorrow?

N acknowledging e terms n meaning of Assertion, Motivation and Efficiency in areas of e workin corporate, wud personal aspects be looked upon differently? For everything there is, the opposite resides. The equation of balance in Life?

o doubt there r always 2 sides of a coin. Wat matters is which side it faces up… A thin line treads along e words assertion, determination and stubbornness. Complications, hmmmz…

ltimately, waiting is sweet in itself. The moments of Longing, Thinking, Hoping and Worrying r all bcuz of the simple reason tt U care and place dear in ur heart… Only with care, comes the worry.

nd y did U wait? The other party was busy or was caught up, so y the gloom? Doubting those explanations, for u might think it’s merely pulling a fast one? Shudn’t one Believe tt its genuine? When it is not perceived as a targeted trophy but more of a relational contract, y the hurry? Even if it is an excuse, wat wud the predicament be for surfacing such? Since u value this person, shud u not aid in tt prob? *Open up n tell, let’s work things out 2gether*

Howeva, effortless waiting results only in absolute zero! U reap what U sow, strive for wat U want. Regret not for wat U have done, but instead wat U din.

o let me take a breather from the hectic world of today, and wait in aspects of my private… Slowly I learn to find the peace within, the satisfaction amidst the society tt drowns us. Im no longer as angry wif the world as before. I rather Trust and go on HappyThen again, m I creating an excuse for myself for being perpetually late? Wahahahahha…